Every booking you make with Tasmanian Odyssey will help conserve another little piece of land on one of the world’s most precious islands, and thus help to save another species from possible extinction.
The Tasmanian Land Conservancy (TLC) aims to protect areas of high conservation values for species which are not adequately protected. Each little contribution is a small but crucial part of the jigsaw, and ultimately the creation of a network of natural areas that truly deliver long term security for Tasmania’s natural species and ecosystems.
TLC works to establish permanent TLC reserves by acquiring the most important natural areas in the state on private land. Once the reserve is acquired, the TLC keeps these areas and manages them to ensure that the habitat for rare and endangered native plants and animals is maintained.
Tasmanian Odyssey is committed to making an annual contribution to the TLC. Our contributions so far, thanks to our guests' support, have helped the TLC get more than halfway to conserving a very significant chain of wetlands on the east coast, called The Big Punchbowl. For more information on The Big Punchbowl, click here.