South West Wilderness Experience


No one should visit Tasmania without taking to the air and seeing the full glory and majesty of the world’s last wilderness frontier. Flying into the remote area South West of Tasmania is one of the most remarkable trips you can do from Hobart, in fact probably from anywhere on earth.  

Having taken off from Hobart’s domestic airport, you will be flown over landscapes closely reminiscent of Gondwanaland, the Supercontinent, before landing some 45 minutes later at a tiny dirt strip at Melaleuca, right on the edge of the mighty southern ocean.

Birders look out! This is the only breeding place for the critically endangered Orange-bellied Parrot which makes its treacherous trip across the Bass Strait every October.

You will board a boat to journey into this incredible and unique wilderness and explore the tannin-stained waterways, exploring the Southernmost spot to have been inhabited by the Aboriginal people. After a picnic lunch on a deserted beach, you will board your little plane to return to Hobart via the spectacular Eastern Arthurs and Federation Peak, down the Huon Valley and over Hobart City.