For the sheer ease and independence of travelling around Tasmania, self-drive is the most popular visitor transport of choice. And with good reason, as the roads are, for the most part, in excellent condition and by and large devoid of other vehicles, with knock-your-socks-off views every twist and turn of the way.
However although four wheels will give you maximum flexibility, there are a few caveats to bear in mind before you start to plan your self drive tour: firstly, despite its appearance on the map, Tassie is far larger than most visitors imagine – it is in fact the 26th largest island in the world.
Next, the time to travel even short distances vary considerably from one side of the island to the other, and sometimes from one winding, precipitous photo-stop-inducing mile to the next.
Third; travelling around Tassie by car leaves the island’s greatest treasures – secret lakes, vast waterfalls tumbling from jagged peaks, perfectly formed coves and platypus-filled streams - hidden away down unsealed tracks, along which your hire car will probably not be permitted to drive (note - all the cars hired by Tasmanian Odyssey are insured for unsealed roads including Bruny Island). It is also very important to remember that driving in Tasmania at dawn or dusk is highly inadvisable when the roads will be liberally carpeted with marsupials. If you plan to explore ‘off the beaten’ track, a four wheel drive is recommended.
Finally, even if you are happy to take your time and meander lazily from one spot to the next, it is always essential to pre-book accommodation at all times of year; this is wilderness island where accommodation is few and far between; demand far outstrips supply. For our most popular self drive tour, call now for information on our Meet the Locals Self-Drive.